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THE DECISION to position products (based on their inherent and dervied qualities) in the appropriate segments bears a very special meaning to each brand. Strategies are built around these segments. In today’s market place, which is strongly governed by consumer perception and feedback, the final result of success and failure lies in the hands of the reception of the brand meanings and the strength & effeciency of the brands to fulfill and stand true to the commited meanings. For most companies and organizations, repositioning has to mainly do with undesired outcomes. Undesired outcomes can be result of many reasons, however, in the realm of marketing, repositioning mainly links to the erroneous decision making in conveying the desired brand meaning to its target consumers or the evolution in time and consumer habits and preferences that makes the brand meanings obsolete, irrelevant or undesirable for the same set of consumers. Repositioning relates to re-thinking, re-strategizing and a modified representation of the brand. It is a crucial decision, especially for bigger companies, as they stand the risk of diluting their existing identity and losing its existing customer base. AS we probe further,we will come across various companies that "heard" their customers and made their re-positioning efforts worth the time and money....and for a few other, not so much.

What went wrong? Loss Bob, LOSS!

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